Cover Image for Building Blocks

Cover Image for Building Blocks

Building Blocks

Ongoing partnership exploring Accessory Dwelling Units - ADU’s - typologies with different social, financial and site conditions

Working with Building Blocks – a developer offering comprehensive Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) development, design, engineering, approvals, and construction packages to a variety of diferent clients – the program has evolved into an exploration of smart densifcation with inventive, thoughtful, and efcient approaches. The team brings to this new Residential building development a proven track record of collaboration, expertise in efficient design, simple construction and maneuvering the complex regulatory process.

Densifying small to mid-density residential neighborhoods in the Los Angeles area one ADU at a time is unique opportunity to explore and develop prototypes and typologies that respond to common and specific needs, varying sizes, budgets, and site conditions.

From garage conversions to small or second-story additions, and ground-up construction these ADU’s utilize the evolving rules and regulations to provide fnancial benefts to the property owners and much needed densifcation in areas with existing infrastructure and services.

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Gower Mausoleum

with LehrerArchitectsLA
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Orange Drive ADU

Los Angeles, CA
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Glendale, CA